Tommy Roberts

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Education and Training

Educational Technology, Immersive Learning, Training Tools, VR/AR

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Education and Training

Virtual reality can be an effective learning tool, yet it may have its drawbacks. One is isolating students from one another and hindering interpersonal communications skills necessary for certain jobs.

Utilizing VR and AR helps educators bring the curriculum alive for students. They can take them on virtual journeys to places too distant for real world exploration.

Personalized Learning

VR and AR create tailored learning experiences by customizing instruction to each student individually, such as by altering task difficulty levels or providing performance feedback based on each task completed by them. This allows them to focus on topics or areas they require most assistance for optimal learning experiences.

Students needing extra practice with physics concepts could benefit greatly from using an online virtual physics lab for study and practice without worrying about having enough physical space in a classroom or being interrupted by classmates – this feature being particularly advantageous to those with learning disabilities or special needs.

VR can also help medical students learn anatomy more realistically by showing 3D models of organs and text information – this helps bridge the gap between theoretical education and real-life applications, and increases student engagement and retention.

Students tend to appreciate VR as it provides an immersive experience that stimulates their senses and makes the subject matter come alive for them. Garcia-Bonete et al. [33] conducted a study where VR application was used to instruct students on biomolecular structure instruction; results demonstrated that students found this experience enjoyable indicating it was effective at teaching biomolecular structures.

Immersive Experiences

Immersive experiences aim to create an all-sensory journey for participants that puts them into an alternative reality, using virtual reality (VR) headsets which display 3D computer-generated images synchronized with head movements or, sometimes even including touch simulation of environments or stories.

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Fully immersive VR technology creates the most captivating virtual reality experiences by immersing users into an enveloping simulation that encompasses sight, sound and touch – an experience which allows for suspension of disbelief and total immersion into an imaginary world.

Semi-immersive VR offers a more limited virtual experience that is accessible via computer screen or headset, and relies more on visual 3D effects than physical movement compared to fully immersive VR experiences. This type of virtual experience is often employed for training people for dangerous scenarios, such as flight simulators for airline pilots and military cadets.

Companies using virtual reality technology to engage consumers generate greater interest and engagement with products by giving consumers the ability to interact with products virtually from wherever they may be located – for instance real estate agents could show prospective clients 3D views of potential homes or office spaces before making decisions about moving in; retailers could allow customers to virtually try on clothes or furniture before making a purchase decision.

Breaking Down Barriers

Virtual reality breaks down barriers that would be difficult or impossible to overcome in real life, enabling students who learn using VR to access different cultures and environments that may otherwise be inaccessible due to travel costs or logistical obstacles. Immersive learning promotes mutual understanding and empathy among its participants which ultimately brings people together closer.

VR can help break down unconscious bias in the workplace, which is an obstacle to diversity and inclusion. Through immersive training sessions, employees can experience microaggressions and forms of discrimination first-hand and VR provides a safe space in which participants can discuss these topics openly.

VR offers students an effective hands-on learning tool in art and culture fields. For example, Prisma transforms images and videos taken using Prisma mobile app into works inspired by famous artists like Edvard Munch or Vincent Van Gogh using superimposition-based AR. VR headsets enable students to attend virtual ballet performances, opera plays or concerts as part of their study of culture they are studying about.

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Vocational training has also been revolutionised by virtual reality (VR). HTC Vive can teach students how to repair or maintain particular pieces of machinery with virtual 360 degree views of every angle from which to work. Ikea Place allows users to imagine furniture pieces they might like in their home using 3D versions that overlay live video feed of their room; similar applications like YouCam Makeup enable users to virtually try on makeup without the risk of leaving smudges.

Empowering Students

VR’s ability to immerse students in an immersive virtual learning environment makes it a powerful asset in online education, particularly for subjects that require hands-on study like biology or engineering classes where students learn cell structure or troubleshoot machinery. VR can also give students access to natural or historic environments that may otherwise be impossible or prohibitively expensive to visit in person.

Virtual reality (VR) headsets can also provide remote learners with an immersive classroom learning experience and facilitate interactions among classmates. Harvard University provides one such course – Computer Science 50 – using VR headsets so as to simulate being present at lecture hall seating positions; over three million students have taken this class so far!

VR can also play an invaluable role in language learning. While traveling and conversing with native speakers are highly recommended methods of language acquisition, not everyone has the means or access necessary to do this. VR provides users with a virtual visit to France or Japan and learn both its culture and language without ever leaving home!

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