Tommy Roberts

Network Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Connectivity, Diagnostics, Network Health, System Repair

Network Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Troubleshooting networks ensures they run optimally and reliably by employing a process of elimination to identify any issues before finding solutions to resolve them.

Cross-referencing metrics when troubleshooting is essential. Comparing latency vs packet loss data may help identify where an issue exists and lead you closer to finding its source.


An effective network that delivers an outstanding end-user experience is critical to business operations. When issues arise, being able to quickly troubleshoot and resolve them requires having access to tools for collecting data, using an escalation framework and pinpointing its cause.

An effective tool can provide solutions to numerous issues, from diagnosing performance bottlenecks and network congestion to security vulnerabilities and performance optimization. Furthermore, having the right network monitoring tool in place allows proactive maintenance by detecting issues before they become major ones.

As with any network troubleshooting project, the initial step should be clearly defining the issue at hand. This step helps focus your troubleshooting efforts by eliminating irrelevant causes and pinpointing its core source. For instance, when users complain of poor VoIP quality due to attenuation or hardware malfunctions, it’s vitally important that you identify its root source quickly so you can fix it effectively and swiftly.

Once the problem is identified, you can review historical network data to examine it for patterns. For instance, metrics like latency and packet loss should be examined for any correlation with specific times or usage scenarios; you can compare and cross-reference these metrics in order to spot trends or anomalies. After making adjustments that improve network performance, it’s essential that they be monitored to make sure that their changes have had their intended effects; you can do this by comparing post-change metrics against baseline metrics as well as using Obkio’s dashboard as an ongoing health assessment tool for continued health assessment of network health assessment.

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Network issues can stem from many different causes, ranging from hardware failures or software bugs to misconfiguration of settings or misconfigured devices. Whatever their origins, network problems can result in costly downtime that erode business productivity and profitability – hence why a well-considered maintenance plan is key for keeping networks operating smoothly and efficiently.

Network administrators use various tools to monitor network performance and identify any potential issues on the network, including monitoring software, security solutions and configuration management software. Utilizing such tools enables network administrators to detect issues before they impact end-users, reduce downtime and enhance overall network efficiency and security.

Maintenance can range from simple cord checks to more thorough analysis of network infrastructure. A clear escalation framework should be in place so that the appropriate team members are alerted immediately if issues arise.

Once a single cord’s status has been evaluated, further in-depth testing and diagnosis should take place. This may involve comparing current performance metrics with an industry benchmark, or by running ping tests on each device on your network to measure round trip time; traceroute can also help network administrators track packets as they travel toward their destinations.


Once basic hardware connections and user connectivity have been eliminated, network troubleshooting begins focusing on specific areas where issues are occurring by comparing metrics/alerts against a baseline and tracking performance over time.

Goal of network management: to identify and resolve network issues such as slow data transfer speeds, latency issues or bottlenecks. This involves reviewing historical data to see whether problems are intermittent or persistent, noting times when metrics deviate from norm and cross-referencing various metrics–for instance analyzing whether high packet loss correlates to increased latency or jitter.

Network troubleshooting tools such as ping and tracert utilities, bandwidth speed testers and network mappers that display signal paths from devices to the internet can assist in this process of pinpointing a problem source. Sometimes just using these tools or techniques alone will do the trick!

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Once a network manager identifies its root cause, they can take steps to address it–for example by altering router settings or firewall policies, using network optimization strategies like load balancing and traffic shaping or using load testing techniques like traffic shaping. Once implemented, changes should be monitored and tested over time in order to see whether their desired effect has taken hold. Obkio’s network monitoring solution makes this easier, offering real-time and historical comparison of metrics and alerts which enable detection of changes.


Once network administrators understand the source of an issue, they can take steps to remedy it by altering network configurations, upgrading hardware components or employing optimization strategies such as traffic shaping or load balancing. Documenting changes made will also prove invaluable in future troubleshooting efforts or knowledge sharing within their organization.

Sometimes network issues can be resolved simply with physical connectivity solutions, like reconnecting or replacing cables to resolve them. A disconnected cable could have become disconnected from its switch or hub or be suffering from corrosion damage; either of these scenarios usually means reconnecting or replacing will solve the issue.

More serious network issues may be more challenging to identify. For example, periodic spikes in network traffic may quickly exceed bandwidth capacity and cause outages or service disruptions (e.g. Microsoft Teams). Network administrators can use monitoring tools to detect these saturation points and modify network protocols accordingly.

As part of their regular network device monitoring responsibilities, network administrators should make sure their network devices don’t overheat – which could lead to software bugs and other issues. To reduce overheating, network administrators can ensure that devices have adequate ventilation as well as stay current with firmware updates that address security vulnerabilities and enhance device performance – the easiest way is with automated tools that scan network devices for outdated firmware versions.

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