Tommy Roberts

The Importance of Preventative Network Maintenance

Maintenance, Network Stability, Regular Checks, System Health

The Importance of Preventative Network Maintenance

Just like a car requires regular tune-ups to stay running optimally, networks also require daily preventative maintenance to stay in top form. A network maintenance plan provides a structured template of daily undertakings designed to upgrade and optimize core technologies in an organization.

A strong network minimizes unplanned impacts and downtime while cutting overall costs. While preventive maintenance cannot fully prevent breakdowns, it will at least significantly lower their frequency.

Inspect Wiring and Connections

Business operators may be familiar with routine network maintenance tasks such as software updates, device configuration and auditing of systems; however, they may not fully comprehend all aspects of comprehensive preventative network management.

Effective electrical preventive maintenance begins with a comprehensive visual examination of connectors, including their outer conductors, center pins and dielectric surfaces. Keep an eye out for bent or broken pins and discolored surfaces as well as foreign material obstructing connections. Regular inspections and cleaning help extend connector life.

Check for an appropriate grounding conductor and proper cable spacing throughout rooms and receptacle outlets on walls and countertops, circuit boxes should also be evaluated to determine their suitability as well as motor disconnects being located close to their motors and rated appropriately based on how many units connected are connected to them. Finally, survey room lighting outlets for their proximity to sources of heat, cold or water; widen receptacle outlets on general lighting circuits if necessary.

Test Power

Loss of productivity due to downtime or system failure is devastating to businesses. When networks or servers go offline, employees cannot send or receive emails, access essential data or perform their duties properly – these vulnerabilities have been estimated as costing businesses an estimated $50 billion each year.

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Network maintenance plans that prioritize vulnerability prevention can help businesses avoid these losses, including testing, hardware and software upgrades, automated updates, security audits and staff education.

Maintaining networks and servers at peak condition requires following preventative maintenance procedures on an ongoing basis. These should include regular power-up tests to make sure equipment has enough capacity, inspection of power connections to make sure they are securely connected, testing uninterruptible power supplies to protect against power outages, cleaning devices, organizing cables to avoid tripping or dislodging and replacing device intake filters regularly to reduce dust clogging airflow, as well as replacing regular device intake filters to prevent dust clog and decrease system efficiency.

Inspect Device Intake Filters

Filters on device intakes need to be regularly checked and cleaned, as dirty filters restrict airflow, increase internal temperatures, degrade performance and attract small bits of wire and metal that could potentially harm internal components.

Preventative maintenance reduces operational vulnerabilities and helps your business remain productive when faced with emergencies or unexpected outages. Planning requires carefully considering data, expertise, repair histories and repair histories in order to determine an appropriate maintenance schedule and frequency for telecom assets.

Implementing an effective preventative maintenance program takes time. From designing procedures, to setting standardized workflows and providing field teams with mobile solutions. Plan a demo today of how Parsable’s Sitetracker solution can help your team stay ahead of the curve and keep critical telecom infrastructure safe against Mother Nature’s unpredictable storms.

Monitor Temperature

Similar to cars, networks and servers require regular preventative maintenance activities for optimal performance. Such efforts can reduce downtime, boost productivity and limit unexpected repairs costs.

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Under preventative maintenance, organizations can utilize data to optimize performance of servers, routers and network hardware – including server speeds, device performance metrics and more.

Temperature monitoring is an integral component of preventative maintenance in warehouses or distribution facilities, helping reduce food waste by keeping temperatures within their ideal range, which helps avoid spoilage while simultaneously improving customer satisfaction.

Temperature monitoring solutions such as flespi provide real-time sensor data to a client management system through an encrypted channel, where specialists from CTTMX’s client monitoring center compare it against predetermined threshold values for each parameter allowing them to quickly identify any violations and take corrective actions as soon as they occur.

Test Uninterruptible Power Supply

Networks consist of many connected devices that rely on one another, and any weak link can bring the entire thing crashing down. That is why testing an uninterruptible power supply during preventative maintenance visits is important to ensuring reliability.

UPS systems provide uninterrupted backup power to critical equipment and help safeguard sensitive electronics from power anomalies in the utility system. As the heart of any data center, an UPS must be capable of withstanding normal voltage fluctuations without shutting down or overcharging hardware.

Preventative maintenance checks on UPSs should include testing their battery, internal static bypass and external manual bypass to make sure they can meet their task, including recording battery voltage levels, load capacity evaluations, thermal scans and fan operations checks. It’s also crucial to look out for out-of-limit alarms or wiring faults which might have occurred due to normal site modifications or maintenance and which could potentially result in costly Service Level Agreement payouts due to unexpected downtime and costly service level agreement payouts.

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